Report an Incident about your Neighborhood

Drop a point on the map below to report where the incident happened:


The map intends to become a visual tool containing in itself all the data about development projects, aiding the knowledge of the inhabitants in the area and helping them add to it through incident reporting. Most of these initiatives are already organizing online through Facebook, but very much in silos, so this will synergize and scale up the connections.

If you're a citizen and want to learn how to do-it-yourself

Find out what’s happening around you, report land displacement and acquisition incidents and participate in any events organized in your neighborhood, to give your feedback about impending and existing infrastructure projects

If you are a community or non profit organization

If you can't find yourself on our page, then you should be here! Shoot us an email or report on the map so we can incorporate and connect you with other groups. See what other groups have done and what are other strategies when it comes to collecting data, making existing data public and connecting with people and other organizations. Y.

If you are an urban professional or from the government

Architects and urban planners, both in government and academia, have systematically ignored the informal and self-organized dynamics of the city to inform land use plans and public policies. planned almost 60 years ago, today it is experienced in a different way, and the new dynamics, uses and activities must also be recognized and included in urban planning. Use the strategies below to understand the new uses and activities that many spaces have not previously prescribed, but which demonstrate the interest and need of many residents. Use them to also understand what challenges groups face and how laws, policies and urban instruments could facilitate these processes.

If you are an International Organization

The Citizen's narrative is your Primary lens to Lahore. Visit our Map, archival section and resources tab to learn more about our city!

Contribute to this repository to say something about your city